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Pasatiempos y juegos gratuitos online que ejercitan la mente



Definición / Pista:

1. Additionally.
2. Border. The past tense of feed.
3. Short for square root. Distant.
4. A small rug. In music, it is the sixth note in the scale of C major. A piece of old cloth which you can use to clean or wipe things.
5. Indefinite article, used before an initial consonant. Difficult to understand or explain.
6. Dossiers. An.
7. Organ of hearing. Abbreviation for yen. A black substance, sticky when hot, used especially for making roads.
8. Join, fasten, or repair something by making stitches with a needle and thread or a sewing machine. Spectacle.
9. Organ of sight. Tube, conduit.
10. Objects for the children to play with.

1. An adult female horse.
2. A period of time of which particular events or stages of development are typical. Poise.
3. A very small round mark. An animal that is hunted and killed by another for food.
4. Back in time from the present. Very greatly. Covered in water.
5. Used to say that you wish something to happen very much. Attempt. The fifteenth letter of the alphabet.
6. Symbol for second. Craft. A person who keeps secret watch on others.
7. So as to be removed or separated. An ancient Roman copper coin. Belonging to a man.
8. To get something that you deserve. The highest place or part.
9. Move an image or highlighted text across a computer screen using a tool such as a mouse. An emotion comparable to wonder but less joyous.
10. Personal equipment and accoutrements.