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Pasatiempos y juegos gratuitos online que ejercitan la mente



Definición / Pista:

1. Besides. The relative direction opposite of right.
2. Circular pieces of something. Stop living.
3. An adult human male. Voluntarily leave a job or office.
4. The symbol for indium. Respond in a particular way. A consonant.
5. The fifth letter of the alphabet. Small drops of water that form on the ground and other surfaces outdoors during the night. An actor's part in a play, film, etc.
6. Mentioned previously. To this spot.
7. Save someone from a dangerous or difficult situation. Adverb used in comparisons to refer to the degree of something.
8. A small bed with high barred sides for a baby or very young child. Refuse to take notice of or acknowledge.
9. Pronoun. Consumed. Social insect.
10. A British bronze coin and monetary unit equal to one hundredth of a pound. Used before the name of a married woman.

1. Military forces. A small bowl-shaped container for drinking from, typically having a handle.
2. A sum of money that you borrow. Appeared, emerged.
3. The star round which the earth orbits. The food and drink usually eaten or drunk by a person or group. The fourteenth letter of the alphabet.
4. In operation. The colour of blood or fire, in the plural form. Used instead of 'a'.
5. Sketched. A large town.
6. One of the smaller areas of ocean. Enormous.
7. Large (as a clothes size). A flat vertical surface on which pictures or words are shown. Million.
8. A person in overall charge of the editing and often the policy of a newspaper or periodical. A long pole with a wide, flat part at one end, used for rowing a boat.
9. A soft sweet fruit that grows in hot countries. A form of the verb learn.
10. Stretched tight or rigid. To put something in a particular place or position.