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Definición / Pista:

1. The opposite of rough. A segment of a differentiable curve.
2. A group of people or things having similar characteristics. A wooden frame, usually with legs, that holds a picture, especially one that an artist is painting or drawing.
3. A preposition. Spoken and not written. Perform an action.
4. In general. The symbol for uranium.
5. A violent disturbance of the atmosphere with strong winds and usually rain, thunder, lightning, or snow. Conjunction used to link two or more words, groups, or clauses.
6. A drink made by adding hot water to tea leaves or tea bags. To wander away, as from the correct path or from a given area.
7. The symbol for roentgen. A person receiving or registered to receive medical treatment.
8. Pronoun used to refer to an object or animal. Word. At a higher or further level or position in or on.
9. A large animal with a long neck, that lives in the desert and has one or two humps on its back. Not mixed or adulterated with any other substance or material.
10. To test something to see if it is suitable or useful or if it works. To make or become less strict, severe, etc.

1. A narrow strip of semi-rigid material worn underfoot to glide over snow. Demanding that rules concerning behaviour are obeyed and observed.
2. Sixty seconds. A thick black sticky substance that is used especially for making roads.
3. Working. A substance used with water for washing and cleaning. A speaker or writer uses it to indicate that something belongs or relates to himself or herself.
4. A distinctive smell, especially an unpleasant one. Fed.
5. The twentieth letter of the alphabet. An uncastrated male sheep. Relate a story.
6. Cause a wound, injury, or person to become sound or healthy again. Used as a formal and polite way of speaking to a man. The fifteenth letter of the alphabet.
7. Every. The speed at which a passage of music is or should be played.
8. While. Spun thread used for knitting, weaving, or sewing. The object form of we.
9. Ruddy. All the animals, plants, and other things in the world that are not made by people.
10. Covered with clouds. An implement for writing or drawing using ink.