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Definición / Pista:

1. Jump or dive quickly and energetically. Spring or leap a short distance with one jump.
2. Oxygen. A person who sails in a ship and attacks other ships in order to steal from them. The first person singular pronoun.
3. Preposition used to indecate possession. The lowest edge or part of something. A first person singular pronoun.
4. A metal shaft that transmits power in axial reciprocating motion. Thickly crowded or closely set.
5. Rub out or remove writing or marks. Make a hole or split in something by force.
6. Any relief or refreshment, as from worry or something troublesome. Comparative darkness and coolness caused by shelter from direct sunlight.
7. The past tense of shine. The highest or uppermost point, part, or surface of something.
8. A third person singular pronoun. Used to give emphasis to an adjective or adverb. You and me.
9. Temperature. The sky, firmament, or space surrounding the earth. In music, it is the sixth note in the scale of C major.
10. One of a pair of wood, metal, or plastic runners that are used for gliding over snow. A place that is frequented for holidays or recreation or for a particular purpose.

1. The comparative of poor. Short form of 'it has'.
2. Litre(s). A large area covered chiefly with trees and undergrowth. The eleventh letter of the alphabet.
3. Along or further along a street or road. Run or travel somewhere in a great hurry. Exclamation used as an informal greeting, usually to people who you know.
4. The writing point of a pen. An apparatus for cooking or heating that operates by burning fuel or using electricity.
5. A particular level of rank, quality, proficiency, or value. At or to a short distance away from a place.
6. Facility. Perform duties or services for another person or an organization.
7. Constituting number ten in a sequence. Absolutely.
8. The symbol for helium. A thing made or used for sitting on, such as a chair or stool. Abbreviation for number.
9. The symbol for oxygen. A piece of grassland, especially one used for hay. The eighteenth letter of the alphabet.
10. A baked dish of fruit, or meat and vegetables, typically with a top and base of pastry. Say again.