Logo ePasatiempos

Pasatiempos y juegos gratuitos online que ejercitan la mente



Definición / Pista:

1. 6025 times two, plus forty-one.
2. In binary representation is 1110. Eighteen plus five, plus thirty-five.
3. 135 times six, plus two. Nine minus six. 568 minus twelve, minus sixty-three.
4. 80000 divided by one thousand, plus seventeen. 878 minus 205. The double of six.
5. Integer number that goes after zero. 106724 minus 81208, plus 61585. 1% of 200.
6. Its half is seventeen. 7,03 times one hundred. Seventy-four plus five, plus four.
7. 285 minus 259, plus 203. The third even number. 617 minus 304.
8. It's the double of ten plus two. 42% of one hundred.
9. 2081 times five, minus thirty-one.

1: 40677 plus 45846, plus 2609.
2: Two to the power four plus one. Its half is twenty-one.
3: 112000 divided by one thousand. Twelve minus four. 7368 divided by eight.
4: Four squared plus eight. 234 plus 443. Two to the power four plus four.
5: The absorbing element for multiplication. 2479 times fifteen, minus seventy-nine. 50% of six.
6: 0,95 times one hundred. 303000 divided by one thousand. In Roman numerals is XLVII.
7: 742 minus 558. Integer number that goes after zero. 2268 divided by seven.
8: Thirteen times seven. Eight multiplied by ten plus one.
9: 22025 plus 903, plus 9305.